
Ophelia Deroy


About Me

I am Professor of Philosophy and Neuroscience at the Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich, where I direct the Munich Interactive Intelligence Initiative. I am the former deputy director of the Institute of Philosophy at the University of London School of Advanced Study, where I still hold a research position. My research is centred around how to define and measure the interactions that shape our moment-to-moment experiences  - how we put together evidence from our various senses and what others tell or suggest, or what we expect them to. I am an "interaction-first" person meaning that most of the individualists framings seem to me to take problems in the wrong way.

Putting interactions first means revisiting theories of perception and cognition, as well as our assumptions about how societies or institutions should work. I do this using conceptual and behavioural methods, drawing also on computational, neural (EEG) and big data methods.   

When I can, I work with museums, designers and computer scientists to turn  the research we produce into interactive experiences that can challenge our senses and reawake our sense of curiosity and exploration. 

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